Jiangsu Nijiaxiang Group Ltd.
The first half of Mexico were seized smuggled goods such as textiles 53.25 million pesos

Mexico "cosmic News" reported July 13, the first half of this year, the Mexican customs authorities seized a total of 312 batches, worth 53.256 million pesos (US $ 3.55 million) a low valuation and smuggled goods, including textiles 200 batches, 71 batches of garments and 41 batches of footwear. This is the result of the fight against illegal Mexican federal government and the private sector to carry out the work. Mexican Chamber of Industry Alliance believes, not only to combat illegal trade, but also to make people aware of the negative impact of the National Mexican illegal trade brings, and encourage everyone the courage to expose the illegal import behavior.

release time:2016-07-11
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